While driving to work on 30 June, I switched on the car radio and listened to the announcers talking about the fact that we were actually coming to the end of the first half chapter of 2010 and asked listeners to call in to give their views as to how they have been doing so far. Have they fulfilled any of their resolutions they set to achieve in the beginning of the year?
Oh to think how six months have zoomed past us just like that. The fact that Barrack Obama, the first black US President has been in office for more than a year now. When just days ago radio stations were paying tribute to the King of Pop MJ by playing his songs in remembering of his 1st death anniversary. I can’t believe it’s already one year since he’s gone. All seem just a little while ago…
For a flickering second we are already a long distance away from yesterday.
I need to ask myself the same questions as well, a self-assessment like how have I been doing so far?
1. A year ago when the mind was roaming indecisively due to unemployment I accepted a six-month contract assignment from a company, then extended to a year until recently where the management decided to offer me a permanent position. Good for me, even though this job is not what I would have in mind. I hesistantly braved myself to negotiate with the boss, a daring attempt considering the timidity in me n got myself a much deserved salary adjustment. With this pay rise, I think I am little better off now, at least with a steady job, I don’t have to worry about financial issues like money to pay my home loan, credit cards, insurance, petrol etc..
And may be a vacation. I shall work on that.
2. I would like to settle my home loan earlier than the given time frame. I want to withdraw part of my EPF contributions via its withdrawal scheme plus whatever little savings I have to partially repay the loan. As those who fall under the low to middle income group can testify, having to serve a home loan is really a pain in the neck which literally leaves you with little or no financial freedom for other pursuits.
I will have this sorted out by the end of the year, I hope.
3. I have started to blog -___-
It’s a new passtime which I can easily get engaged with for I do love the fact that I may channel some of my random thoughts into writing, in the form of a blog. Something to keep my mind occupied and focused on. And try to learn new things along the way, like what is a sidebar? How to change the background of the blog etc. Pardon for my poor knowledge but blogging is something very new to me. Being not net-savvy and all that . An ancient relic I am .
4. I am never so much of a procrastinator. But lately I do notice these traits starting to slowly and menacingly surface from within me. I SHALL NOT procrastinate.
5. My health has been going downhill very quickly, age catching up. Sigh. Very irritating sore back n the persistent tiredness are what standing in the way for me to want to engage in any activity, be it charitable or just simply go out to have some relaxation with friends. I should REALLY REALLY start taking good care of my body now. Proper meals and good exercise do the trick. Which means I shall avoid the quick-to-fix meals aka Maggie mee or biscuits.
For the past few months I have been n am eating healthy now. -__-
6. I am moving on the right path with regard to spiritual pursuit. But I shall put on more efforts if I wish to see a small transformation of sort. A spiritual n mental balance that is.
7. I am still unsure as to where my journey will lead me to. My so-called DESTINY. But I tell myself to stop worrying from now on. To instead take one small step at a time. I want to undertake each day with a purpose in mind. Learning to embrace the day with activities which will benefit myself and others. I shall endeavour never to let each day pass in vain.
Well I want to try. -__-
I read the online news of a very popular Korean actor of Winter Sonata fame who was found hanged by the electric code of his mobile phones charger. His was one of the many of high-profiles suicides in recent years.
Just as we are done (or at least some of us) with the review of this first half chapter of our lives in a year and have decided to continue on our pursuits of the yet to be attended dreams/goals, or to renew our resolutions, certain people have somehow decided to bid a final farewell to the world by committing suicide.
Is life really this bad that death is the only solution to our woes?
Amidst all the troubles and despairs n heart breaks, there must be somehow a glimmer of hope somewhere, a light at the end of the tunnel, which we may finally reach out to.
There must be. Please don’t give up.
I received an email from my sister days ago. A letter filled with love, encouragement and hope, which touches my heart and I truly appreciate.
嗨 姐,
There is always a reason for our being here. Love, hope and promises and everything in between.
We just need to try to reach out. -___-