The day that was 23/04/11
Food distribution for flood victims
My father and some kampung folks patiently waiting outside the community hall of Kampung Lumadan for a food and cash distribution by the state government; Inside the hall a dance performance, with the 1Malaysia theme song blaring from the sound system being presented to the audience. Earlier on there were ceramahs being held inside the dewan. I detest it when what was supposed to be a small initiative by the state government to distribute aid to the flood victims was being purposely turned into a grand event of sort to welcome VIPs, with the accompaniment of kompang and the presence of uniformed government servants (I presumed) to add a touch of pomposity and grandeur to the otherwise serene and quiet atmosphere in the village, and a political campaign was then ensued to propagate these VIPs’ well conceived agendas. The kampung people had congregated here as early as seven in the morning and hours passed by, yet all they got to hear were make-believe speeches and empty promises by the oh-so-important political figures. These folks, most of whom being illiterate, are an easy target to fish votes for the coming general election, I assumed.
Even the food aid came a tad too late. The flood occurred in early February during CNY 2011, yet distribution of aids only came in April. Talking about the efficiency of the administration! But they say better late than never .
My father came back much later at about 1pm with a packet of 15kgs rice and RM50.
Fang Sheng
I bought all the 10kgs of ikan keli from the lady fishmonger, all while trying to ease my guilt for concocting a lie that I bought these fish for resell to a businessman in KK, and emphasizing the fact that I only came to buy once in a while if there was a request from the businessman. I had to hide my actual intention for fear of encouraging them to capture more fishes knowing that there’s a steady demand at hand .
It’s always brought about a liberating sense to see the initial calm water being stirred into tiny little waves by the wriggling movement of the fish upon being released into freedom. It elicits this feeling of peace and contentment from within me to see how these tiny lives which were supposed to end up on dining tables, found a precious second chance to live.
Kuih Muih
Some of the kuih-muih (local cakes) I bought from pekan Bongawan, while on my way back to the village, on a Saturday morning. I had meant to buy the very delicious kuih koci but it had been sold out. It’s pretty hard nowadays to find cheap food items selling at 3 pieces for a ringgit. The exorbitant prices of goods these days make living a struggle for the rakyat, especially for the low income group. Is it the cascading effect of the global economy situation, or simply the inefficient administration of our government that is to blame for what we are facing right now?
No one is to know.
Some other random pictures I took of the surroundings , while lazing around in my parents’ house in the village.
It has been a relaxing weekend though, to be away from the hectic schedules in the city, and simply indulged in little moments of easy relaxation and quiet introspection, before embarking on yet another week of work and responsibilities and attending to whatever mundane details of everyday life ….